Oga's Tourism Information

Gofu Namahage Drummers Live
Fureai Taiko Live is a regular event held at the Oga Onsen Koryu Kaikan (Oga Onsen Exchange Hall), located in the heart of Oga Onsen Village. 2002 saw the start of Namahage Taiko, a combination of Japanese drumming and Namahage, in a gravel parking lot by a group of young locals. In the beginning, there was a time when there were only a few spectators, but the powerful Namahage drumming performed by the local youths\' spiritedness and passion to make Oga more exciting gradually spread by word of mouth, and they have been actively performing in and outside of the prefecture and overseas. Currently, the group performs free of charge every Friday and Saturday from April to November at the Oga Onsen Koryu Kaikan "Gofu," which opened in the summer of 2007, attracting many spectators every week. It is one of the must-see events for those who stay in Oga Onsen!
Live performance from 8:30pm (8:00pm door opening)